Wednesday, June 01, 2005


If Nanyang JC gets changed to CCJC, it will prove only one thing- that the voice of students, translated to the young, is utterly useless and carries absolutely no weight at all. here we are talking about more than 2000 students opposing the change of name for the school, and if this plan should go ahead, what explanation have you for reject 2000 people straight to the face. furthermore, i haven't even included the alumni yet.
picture the situation. students refusing to cheer their own school name. students coming to school looking all depressed and sad. students taking A levels having a mental blow. school rankings thus go down. enough said.
if our petitions, which i think number in their thousands on the net and in hard copy, do not come through, what then have we to think of democracy, the right to vote and the voice of the youth. think about it.


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