Sunday, September 26, 2004

crazy thoughts.

you know i was thinking while i was stud..urm reading my S.E.A. history notes, that if i were a history teacher, i'd make my students study down to every single detail and ban them from spotting questions. i'll tell them that everything is going to come out and thus they would have to study everything down to the last and smallest statistic. offense jint, and this is not directed at you or anyone, but yea, i just feel that history is a subject where one does out of the love and passion for it and it goes way beyond just the grades. for me, one does not do history to get the As, although that would be great, but one does history to gain the knowledge, to know the facts, to critisize existing arguements and basically, to complete one's life.
thus, in essence, if a student spots questions for the history paper, then he/she would be disregarding the true meaning of the subject and merely taking it for the marks. hmm...i don't really like it.
i'm quite a pro-history guy. haha
ok no offense to anyone who took offense. it's just my opinion.
yea and anyway, i watched this show called " the mists of avalon". woah's real good. basically a show about the beginings of king arthur and the war between the christians and saxons and all that. thought it was real good. then i realised something.
for decades and decades to come, every great epic adventure and action movie will be compared to "The Lord Of the Rings" and they will fall, one by one, like france in the franco-prussian war, like denmark in the war for schleswig and holstein and like Sardinia in the war with austria in the attempt to expel austria from Italian territories.
then i went downstairs and watched this super fuuny cartoon on disney channel called something the babarian. coincidentally, the cartoon is also based on some medievil empire. it's super funny, like johnny bravo, simpsons and futurerama.
ok then i went to read the rime of the ancient mariner. and after understanding the story...finally...i dunno why but i just felt so honoured and grateful that in a weird twist in senses, coleridge chose me to read the poem. think of it, when he was writing it in the 19th century, i was already chosen to read this poem even before i was born. he was already thinking of me when he was writing it. i know it sounds absurd but it's like the mariner who chooses who he wants to tell his story to and the reader "cannot choose but listen" as "the mariner hath his will". woah...just think of it.


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