how long, how long
i remember during last day of the sea expedition at OBS, after the convoy of kayaks had cross the final channel crossing (from mainland singapore to pulau ubin), things started to get pretty rough. there weren't any goliath waves or massive currents to go against us, but rather, it was the sheer exhaustion of our bodies and minds that pulled us back. i remember we had to have a break after every five minutes cuz we really had little or no drive left in our badly battered bodies. so what we expected to be the easiest part of our journey (the home stretch) turned out to be much more than the deceptive calm surface.
it's kinda like now. 1 more month to the commissioning parade. everything's starting to pile up. things are starting to get tight. never-ending. suddenly, the end doesn't seem so close anymore.
it's kinda like now. 1 more month to the commissioning parade. everything's starting to pile up. things are starting to get tight. never-ending. suddenly, the end doesn't seem so close anymore.
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