Thursday, May 24, 2007

Samantha's Farewell

Last night, Samantha left for a year long trip to the UK. She's going there to do God's work, and is serving at a facility that administers to people who need help, people who need healing.

I guess when i saw her off last night, no doubt i was sad, but i guess it just hadn't hit me at that point that Sam would be leaving for quite a relatively long time. It was only when she went through the gates, that i kept repeating the words 'One year' to Samuel. And as i repeated it more and more, it hit me right in the face.

I went home and fell into an uneasy sleep.

Today, as I walked back from Thomson Plaza after cutting my hair, I suddenly felt so alone. If I were to describe the feeling, it would be something like when you've been on a terrific one month long vacation with your best friends, and then you go home alone while they are still there...yea...that kind of loneliness. Like, all you wanna do is to see them, be with them. I told myself not to cry at the airport, and i didn't.

Today, I did. I really felt so alone. And whoever said crying it all out would make one feel better, well, I didn't feel comforted at all. Instead, it was a longing, or more of a regret, that i didn't make more time for samuel and samantha. I remember back in our MI days, the 3 of us were always laughing and joking around (well ok actually it was Samuel and I poking fun at the bimboticness of Samantha). I think I had really let the 2 of them down, especially during the middle months of 2006. I think I had let a lot of people down during that period; the class guys, the class girls, Raven guys, Melissa and Ivan, Lucas, Mark, and some of my close nyjc friends. This is not self pity and all, but sometimes, I think i can be one of the shittiest and crappiest friends on earth.

I pray with all my heart that The Lord would protect and take care of Samantha while she's doing His work there. And i pray that she'll continue to grow in his faith and in spiritual maturity. I pray for her to return soon, because Samuel and I really miss her a lot now. It just isn't the same without you, Sam! Most of all, I pray that this distance and time away from Samuel and I won't change the depth of our friendship. When you come back, we'll be at the airport waiting for you with open arms and an embarassingly large sign with some weird ass welcome back slogan written on it.

This one's for you, Sam.


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