The Escapist

The results are out! After careful consideration from the panel, we have hence decided on the following winners.
Song Of The Year
Lights Out For Darker Skies - British Sea Power
Lovers In Japan - Coldplay
This Conversation - The Submarines
I Will Possess Your Heart - Death Cab For Cutie
Closer - Travis
Winner: Lights Out For Darker Skies - British Sea Power
(Find us another song this year that can keep the hairs on our hands standing for 6 and a half minutes)
Album Of The Year
Viva La Vida - Coldplay
Do You Like Rock Music? - British Sea Power
Narrow Stairs - Death Cab For Cutie
We Started Nothing - The Ting Tings
Nux Vomica - The Veils
Winner: Viva La Vida - Coldplay
(We decided to give this one not just for consistency of sound, but for invoking a revolution, just like the cover of the album suggests)
Band Of The Year
British Sea Power
The Ting Tings
Death Cab For Cutie
Winner: British Sea Power
(In our books, if you sound like The Arcade Fire, you've got it)
Solo Act Of The Year
Jason Mraz
Justin Timberlake
Jack White
Britney Spears
Winner: Jason Mraz
(For being the only one who bothered to come down here. Special mention goes out to Britney, we all want her to be fine again)
Local Band Of The Year
Plain Sunset
The Great Spy Experiment
Winner: Plain Sunset
(For releasing an album! Although yes, Electrico did too as well. We felt that on the year, as a whole, Plain Sunset was more dedicated to the indie scene. Also, they didn't go on a 'hiatus')
Feel Good Act Of 2008
The Ting Tings
Norwegian Recycling
Michael Cera and Ellen Page
Winner: Norwegian Recycling
(They sent a strong message arcoss: many mainstream bands sound the same and can be concluded as trash. Whether they meant it or not, they get our vote)
Act That Should Come Down To Singapore
Taking Back Sunday
The Arcade Fire
Dashboard Confessional
Winner: The Arcade Fire
(Actually, we felt that all of the above should come down)
Let Down Of The Year
The Kills
(More noise than anything else)
Special Award For An Inspirational Band
The Arcade Fire
(There comes only once so rarely, when a band reaches the status of a voice, and their songs become anthems)
The organisers would like to thank all who have participated in one way or another, whether by nominating or voting, or simply providing destructive criticism. You have been an invaluable part of the 2nd Annual Chips and Shit Awards. Till next year, keep the music flowing!
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