Saturday, January 06, 2007

a paperthin confessional at POP

I still can't get over the fact that chris carraba has a girlfriend.
hmm...that explains a lot i dusk and summer.
nOoOoOoOoO this can't be...his songs are supposed to be about break-ups!!! so how can he write emo songs if he's happy?!?!
not that i'm wishing the worst for him or anything.

in other music news, i am really addicted to Anberlin. first it was dance, dance christa paffgen, then it was audrey, start the revolution, now it's paperthin hymn. as an illustration, when i woke up this morning at 6am in camp, my first thought after "please please please let this be a book out day...please please let this be friday.." and "oh man i need just 5 minutes more of sleep", was the tune of paperthin hymn going through my head. this continued for the rest of the day. you just wasted at least 30 seconds of your life reading a really redundant fact of my life.

in some more music news, does anyone wanna buy me an ipod video?!??

ok in camp news, i'm passing out next week!! to be exact, on the 11th of january. i'm so happy, beyond words. proud would be a word that comes into the picture as well. can't wait for it. though i would be sad to leave all my mates in camp. Zul was quite funny today. we were sitting down in the morning at 7am waiting to draw arms, and zul went like, "wah thank god it's friday least can book out today.." and i, being really bored, told him, "'s thursday today..." and immediately there was this bewielded look on his face. "No NO no, it can't be thursday today! we booked in on wednesday right? how can..." then i went like, "'s thursday..are you ok..? ask jon!" zul then turned to big jon and asked him what day it was while i mouthed the word 'thursday' to big jon. zul was a traumatised boy that morning, till we told him it was in fact, friday, slightly later.

in 'so impossible' news, i want to meet Kate Beckinsale.

in 'this is so going to piss off all my army friends' news, i have block leave from 11th to 28 jan.

in 'this will probably just piss alvyn off' news, alyvn, my good friend, you do not ORD this year. (: you'll get leave though whoohoo!

ok more to come tomorrow.


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