Monday, August 13, 2007

All that you can't leave behind

Alvyn taught me generousity
Kelvin taught me trust
Raymond taught me patience
Wei Kee taught me prudence
Daniel taught me courage
Michelle taught me emo
Angela taught me zeal
Emily taught me passion
Amanda Goh taught me acceptance
Emiko taught me to be different
Emily Seow taught me familiarity
Mark taught me homiehood
Lucas taught me friendship
Kenneth taught me wisdom
Sarah taught me sincerity
Ryan taught me commitment
Debbie taught me to rock on
Navin taught me family
Zul taught me brotherhood
Ben Eu taught me gentilesse
Ben T taught me camaraderie
Jon Lai taught me Christian Love
Ben Tan taught me kindness
Darras taught me humility
Sufiyan taught me to chill, yo
Mel taught me hope
Ivan taught me humour
Samantha taught me faith
Samuel taught me care
Cheryl Lee taught me to dream
Ivee taught me inspiration
Amanda Tay taught me humanity

All that you can’t leave behind.

p.s. it’s in a random order!! It’s just grouped by how I know you all (: I just wanna tell you guys that I wouldn’t be who I am without you.

p.s.s. no this is not my dying speech.

p.s.s.s. that means all my screw ups are all your fault too!! Haha nah just kidding (:


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