Wednesday, September 30, 2009

From the stars

"Let me show you a very cute photo of myself"

Someone, please take a photo of us.

Monday, September 28, 2009

First Love

Two quotes struck me today. The first is from a reading off the book, "The Glass Palace".

'Dolly,' repeated Rajkumar. 'Dolly'. He could think of nothing else to say, or as much worth saying, so he said the name again louder and louder, until he was shouting. 'Dolly. Dolly.

Reminds me of Napoleon, and his last words on St Helena. Now, whenever I think about this I get sad, because such a great man, the man who required a Battle of The Nations at Leipzig to bring him down, died in obscurity. But perhaps, it is better than being sent to madam guillotine.

The other quote of the day, is off a retarded conversation Alvyn and I were having.

Alvyn rambles on about what a cock his brother is.
Me: Are you sure neither one of you was adopted?
Alvyn: No I don't think so.
*You think it ends here.
Alvyn: At least, I know my brother's not adopted cuz I remember his birth, but I'm not sure about me, cuz I really don't remember much of my birth.

But because he gave me quite a gay, but lovingly written card today, I shall...ah nevermind.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Never in my life have I picked up the phone to, "Hello? Kor Kor Shane?"

I feel blessed.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Audrey, Start the Revolution

When memories fade in the faulty camera in our minds,
we have each other.
So, whether, you're Audrey, or Rebecca, or Peyton, or Dakota,
or just some girl called you,
you have this guy called I.

Let's start this revolution.