Thursday, May 31, 2007

The 04A1A Doctrine

Jointly brought to you by Alvyn and Shane, the terminology of 04A1A

If we say:

"Do a Kelvin" - Take MC.
"Do a Daniel" - Pick up random girls in public.
"Do a Wei Kee" - Sleep at home if you're free.
"Do a Norman" - Like someone so secretly such that only the most perceptive of people can tell.
"Do a Raymond" - Go home before 10pm.
"Do an Alvyn" - Treat everyone in the room.
"Do a Shane" - Be emo.
"Do a Michelle" - Love everything Japanese. Scorn everything else.
"Do an Angela" - Scream rather spastically.
"Do an Emily" - Be at the receiving end of crushes.
"Do a Si Min" - Sing in the shower.
"Do a Karen" - Disappear off the map.

Disclaimer: Guys, this is just for laughs, so please don't take offence at anything. You know we love you all! (:

Monday, May 28, 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean 3

Let me first start by saying that the end of the trilogy, Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End, is not a movie for everyone. The typical man on the street, especially critics, would probably not appreciate it very much. I'm glad it turned out that way. For those of you who know me and my twisted sense of distorted perception, it's something like how i view Indie and Emo music; how i don't want the world world to listen to them and go "oh yea! i have loved and listened to -insert band's name here- since i was in kindergarden or something like that.
In a way, i guess the third installment didn't really succumb to "movie commercialism" (yea i know, i see the irony). It had a distinct quality of it's own.

*warning-- spoliers ahead...but not too much..*

When the command was given to hoist the colours, i literally teared down. I was swarmed with goosebumps and my eyes grew watery. It was an image I had always wished for. When i was doing my history S paper in JC, i didn't tell anyone till now, but i read up a lot on naval warfare in the age of sail, especially the events at Trafalgar. Perhaps that was why i got the grades i got because i remember writing quite a fair bit of the glory and might of the Royal British Navy (who knows?!). Anyway, today I got to see ships of the line in battle action, and it was simply tremendous. Emphatically spectacular, i guess there were no words to really emote my excitement then. And when i heard familiar terms like "fire a broadside", I got so inspired and my heart just kept beating faster and faster, yearning and calling out for more.
Of course, Pirates 3 is not a movie about naval battles, and true enough, that particular scene where the ships exchanged rounds only lasted for a while. Still, i don't think i would ever forget that scene for a long while to come.

I read one review, where the critic said that the show was confusing and there'd be times where you were lost and didn't know where you were.
To me, Pirates 3 is a movie about adventure, and mind you, not adventure for adventure's sake, but adventure for life's sake. The movie takes you on an adventure, to places on the far side of the world, to cold thundras, scorching deserts, misty seas and the comfort of a dry deck. And at the end, you realise that there's no end, simply because you only have to remember the journey. Most of the time, I guess we don't really know where we are, what we are doing, or why we do the things we do. Yes, it gets confusing at times. But note how we always remember the burning sand beneath our feet, the cracking of our lips due to the bitter coldness, the spray of the sea breeze upon our faces, and the security we feel in our homes.
Cast ye eye yonder the horizon. 'Tis Life.

Yo-ho, Yo-ho, 'tis settled then, a pirate's life for me.

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Low point of the day.

At my grandmother's house.

Me: Hey aunty Irene, did you see that water sprout on tv?
Aunt: Oh yea yea! I did! Could see it from my office!
Me: Serious?! did you take pictures?!
Aunt: Yea i even took a video! Come i bluetooth to you!
Me: .... oh phone's not that advanced bluetooth....

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Sea Soccer

Was playing soccer with Alvyn and his friends today.
Something funny he said while we were waiting for the rain to stop.

me: oh man, when is this rain going to stop?!?
alvyn: don't worry, have faith have faith.
me: Is it me, or is the rain getting heavier?
alvyn: don't worry, i've been an hougang kid for my whole life, so I know the weather here lah.... it's gonna be a passing shower.

Alvyn is going to be a weather man when he grows up, but not like those european ones where they strip while telling the weather. I know it'd be quite a turn on for some, but yea it's not really my kind of thing.

I just put that last paragragh in because i'm talking to him online now and he "needs some good shit to read".

In other news, I have not watched Spider-man 3 or Pirates 3 yet. Not so much concerned about the first, but i really have to, HAVE TO, watch the latter. I feel so inspired everytime i see ships from the Age of Sail.
(I know all of you are going like 'oh my goodness, shane, please don't start, please don't start, please don...')

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Everyone's Leaving

Oh, and a continuation to the earlier post, I'm extra depressed today because everyone's leaving.

Samantha has left.
Melissa's leaving for Japan tomorrow.
My Mom's leaving for Sarawak this Sunday.
Sarah's leaving for Australia in June.
Cheryl Lee just came back and she's leaving for Australia end June!

and yea....the big one. Mid next year.
I don't even wanna think about it.

Everyone's Leaving.

Samantha's Farewell

Last night, Samantha left for a year long trip to the UK. She's going there to do God's work, and is serving at a facility that administers to people who need help, people who need healing.

I guess when i saw her off last night, no doubt i was sad, but i guess it just hadn't hit me at that point that Sam would be leaving for quite a relatively long time. It was only when she went through the gates, that i kept repeating the words 'One year' to Samuel. And as i repeated it more and more, it hit me right in the face.

I went home and fell into an uneasy sleep.

Today, as I walked back from Thomson Plaza after cutting my hair, I suddenly felt so alone. If I were to describe the feeling, it would be something like when you've been on a terrific one month long vacation with your best friends, and then you go home alone while they are still there...yea...that kind of loneliness. Like, all you wanna do is to see them, be with them. I told myself not to cry at the airport, and i didn't.

Today, I did. I really felt so alone. And whoever said crying it all out would make one feel better, well, I didn't feel comforted at all. Instead, it was a longing, or more of a regret, that i didn't make more time for samuel and samantha. I remember back in our MI days, the 3 of us were always laughing and joking around (well ok actually it was Samuel and I poking fun at the bimboticness of Samantha). I think I had really let the 2 of them down, especially during the middle months of 2006. I think I had let a lot of people down during that period; the class guys, the class girls, Raven guys, Melissa and Ivan, Lucas, Mark, and some of my close nyjc friends. This is not self pity and all, but sometimes, I think i can be one of the shittiest and crappiest friends on earth.

I pray with all my heart that The Lord would protect and take care of Samantha while she's doing His work there. And i pray that she'll continue to grow in his faith and in spiritual maturity. I pray for her to return soon, because Samuel and I really miss her a lot now. It just isn't the same without you, Sam! Most of all, I pray that this distance and time away from Samuel and I won't change the depth of our friendship. When you come back, we'll be at the airport waiting for you with open arms and an embarassingly large sign with some weird ass welcome back slogan written on it.

This one's for you, Sam.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Anberlin Concert

Hello everyone..this is an important announcement cum appeal.


ok thanks.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Manchester United, Treble Winners 07/08

Mark my words.
Next season Manchester United are gonna win the treble.
They have to.
It's the last season Alvyn and I have...before he leaves for the uk.

"Wembley, Wembley, we're the lads from Man Utd and we're on to Wembley."

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Life of Pi


Sometimes it's damn hard being your friend. I feel like giving up.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Hey guys, I had quite an interesting time doing this just now. Took me quite a while and a lot of thought actually.
Anyway, here's my suggested list of people from NYJC to play the respective roles of the cast of Othello!

Othello---Alvin Tan from A5. I feel he has the stength of character to play the role, but tampered with a weakness so subtle that only Iago would manage to see. I had quite a tough time chossing this one.

Iago--- Kenneth Chong from A6. I feel that he has the right concoction of wit, cunningness, sublimity and mystery that surrounds him. But then again, I don't really think i can find a perfect match for Shakespeare's greatest villian.

Cassio--- Raymond. Has the composure and righteousness to play the character, "poor and unhappy brains for drinking" included. I do not mean it as an insult.

Roderigo--- Daniel. err...yea..

Brabantio--- Norman. Possesses the hysteria required from a father who has just been betrayed by his daugher.

Duke--- Alvyn. The logic and reasoning behind the chaos.

Desdemona--- Jin Ting. She has the capacity to emote love and tragedy.

Emilia--- Hannah. She would have good chemistry with Jin Ting, and I feel she has enough power to see through the last scene of the play.

Ok Yay now the O4A1A Version!

Othello--- Raymond

Iago--- Emily

Cassio--- Alvyn

Roderigo--- Daniel

Desdemona--- Si Min

Emilia--- Angela

ok yay that was fun!!
hey Kelvin, Daniel, Emily and Michelle, do one on your blogs!!
Alvyn and Angela!! get a blog!!!
Raymond!! Revive your blog like your friendster account!
Wei kee! Blog on the class blog!

A simple tap on the shoulder

"If I move, I am condemned. If i stay silent, I am damned."

Give me a way. A sign.
All the small things.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Phuture with Lucas and Jamie 12.05.2007

Went to Phuture last night with Lucas, Jamie and gang,
was quite fun! had a blast of a time gaying around!

anyway, I think most of the time, i'm probably the only guy in the club who feels uncomfortable dancing with girls.
Now you know why i always go with guys.

btw, this does not mean i am gay (contrary to popular belief)

In relevant quotes:

Michelle Wong: "Shane, i really think you're a girl leh.."

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I'm sure..

I am going to kick the ass of the guy who proudly proclaimed that one could find ANYTHING on the internet..

Monday, May 07, 2007

Jeah Seah on 8 days

Jade Seah is on the cover of this week's 8 days!!

Pinch me.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

This is Old Trafford

It is a foreign dressing room. The manager sprouts some instructions which seem blurry to me. I find myself in a daze, as sweat pulsates down my cheeks. The lights of the room are glaring, and they do nothing to straighten my thoughts. It is an atmosphere of extreme intensity, with the roar of the massive faithful piercing my ears, aiding absolutely nought in calming my nerves.

I am afraid.

The door is opened, and I am instantly paralysed by the blast of choruses raining down, carried by the wind, and echoed within the ever encapsulating four walls surrounding me. Claustrophobia, it sets in. My sweat turns cold. I try to mentally shut my ears, but all seems fultile. I see the tunnel, but an absence of light leading out of it. My nerves are crumbling me down, as I try endlessly to shake off the dreaded feeling. It does not go away. It devours me.

I am afraid.

The home team arrives, and my blue immediately bows down in shame to the red that approaches. The former pales in comparison, and my spirit has all but departed my body. The only United-ness today will not be on my side. Like gladiators of old, they are well prepared for battle. It is at this moment, with the roar of the crowd, and my adversaries in such close proximity, there is silence. Then, a sparkle of a moment with a pure clarity of thought.

"This is Old Trafford."

I am Terrified.


Familiar grounds. This is the dressing room where I had spent my teenage years, and now my adulthood in. The Gaffer delivers his instructions in precise terms. It is a routine which i have grown accustomed to and yet, his words penetrate, so much so that after the 90 minutes, it still resonates in my mind's sea. The lights help to perfect my vision, in anticipation of the approaching match, a ferocity of sharpness so intense, the world has never seen. And there i hear it. A concoction of familiarity, inspiration and joyance. The roar of the Old Trafford Faithful. It calms my nerves.


The door is opened, as a full hurricane of voices lifts up the spirits of all the lads. I smile. They are beckoning us. I see the tunnel which i have so often run out from. The light is overwhelming. The deafening roar sooths my soul.


The opposing team is already there. They look pale, as their armour does. I can sense the nervousness from their body movement, each ready to tumble from the dizzying pressure. I smile to one of them. He avoids my gaze like a disease. He is afraid. I lose my smile to an intense glare. He looks. I smile again. He is terrified. I know perfectly well why. The crowd roars with enormous ferocity. My team is ready for the battle.

We walk, into the tunnel, into the light, into the glory.

"This is Old Trafford."

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Man U AC Milan

I can't sleep.
Too excited for the Man Utd- AC Milan Match later.

In other news,
Jade Seah has an endorsement with Fisherman's Friend.
She's on 8 days this week!


Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I missing a lot of people right now.

Ben Eu
Ben T

I am missing them, very badly. I'm on the verge of tears now. Navin and I rocked Tekong, proclaiming the Chin-dians to be the next dominant race in the world. Ben Eu marched with me for the BMT Passing Out Parade, and truthfully, I couldn't be more blessed. I am glad to have been side by side with him during the parade after all that we had been through for the 3 months preceeding. Ben T and all his songs, being the 'backstabber', being confused about his race and us teasing him about it. And Zul, there is no one who has been through more shit with me than Zul, all one year plus of the suck.
the 5 of us.

I miss Cheryl Lee! she's coming back soon though. actually i'm talking to her online now. here's a shoutout! (although i don't think she reads this blog)

I miss Ginny Chua. I miss our retarded conversations. Trivia: I use to be afraid of her until one day she confronted me about this 'fear'.

And i miss Chiam. MI days were fun. I distinctly remember this one time when the whole big group of us went to orchard library to hang out. I miss those days.

I miss Lucas Seah, although we meet often and actually i just saw him 2 weeks ago. The retard of a friend of mine, which you all have seen first hand from the last post. Never fails to make me laugh.

I miss an 04A1A Class Gathering!

The sharp hint of new tears.

Lucas' Testimonies

Lucas' Testimonies for me on Friendster never fail to make me laugh. and i do mean, Laugh.

Posted 24/12/2003 1:40 AM

shane is nuts

Posted 20/6/2004 9:31 AM

DUD wassup man.... just surfing around
decided to write u a PROPER
testimonial this time... hahah yeah...
great great pal shane is... wun ever
forget times we spent together...
dammed i sound gay... but yeah great
dude... fun funny full of shit... good
looking wadeva... yah really cool
guy... tho he thinks he's like God's
gift to women or something... hmmm...
anyhow shane a great trustworthy
fren... rock on and stay in touch u
gay... :P

Posted 12/11/2003 10:36 PM

shane is a cool dude and he dint
approve my earlier 2 testimonials...
shane is smart and studies like mad
for exams... lets leave the results
out of this... but really he damm
smart and responsible... and he plays
the drums damm well.... yah... rox....
OH YAH shane owes me $$19....

Posted 17/11/2004 6:19 AM

all i ask shane, all i ask are seats for
the vienna boys choir concert coz u told
me u could get them when everyone else
told me there were no more seats. i
didnt even throw a tantrum for front row
or the cheapest seats. asll i ask is dat
i sit in comfort and watch a world class
choir perform at the esplanade. but good
ol shane went to get great front row
seats. actually not front row FOUR rows
from the performers. seats that put us
in the middle of the limelight
literraly. good job shane. the seats
were fantabyulous. especially the view.
the WHOEL time staring at the boys
butts. brilliant. thank u for a once in
a lifetime experience.

ps. next time u want to watch concert u
tell me. I buy the frikin seats.

Posted 19/12/2004 6:05 PM

omg dude!!! who the hell makes an email
address with the BUS THEY TAKE TO
SCHOOL!!!! AAAAAAA. voooon. isnt this
guy da bomb man. da bomb man

Posted 19/12/2004 6:05 PM

omg dude!!! who the hell makes an email
address with the BUS THEY TAKE TO
SCHOOL!!!! AAAAAAA. voooon. isnt this
guy da bomb man. da bomb man

Posted 9/4/2005 7:02 AM

wtf man mark. u are one disturbing shite

Posted 24/9/2005 3:57 AM

shane tot my birthday was 17 when it was 18 so as revenge im wishing him happy birthday two days late. dun u forget it fag

Posted 7/11/2005 12:40 AM

wah shane u think u very kool ah. deepavali liao lah. tomorrow no maths paper somemore lah.
very good very good

tell u what i pay u $2.55 u help me take my lit paper