Sunday, January 24, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Bitten by the same bug
Science is dead.
Perhaps one day someone will quote me on this....or not (in any case, it's '(Shane Koh, 2010)'). No, I do not mean it in the same way Nietzsche meant it in his declaration of 'God is dead'. For me, it's plain and simple.
I need to bitch.
Firstly, the journey to science is arduous. I have to squeeze with the 4pm crowd on either A1 or B, and this usually involves people of my 'favourite' kind. Upon reaching science, and on the way to LT32, I am confronted by Helm's Deep. At this point, I think it is imperative to say that I SHIT YOU NOT. That being established, it is as if LT32 is build on a fort, or an ancient Greek Acropolis. I feel like an orc trying to overcome the walls of the Deep in an attempt to literally rip Legolas' hair off on the other side. It really makes Arts feel like the Shire, like home.
Secondly, perhaps to give the lecturer (whom I still have no idea what his name is... and probably never will) the benefit of the doubt, the clock in the LT is fast. Although you might be thinking that that's good, because he releases us 'early', it actually isn't, because he starts before the actual 4pm, and by the time we get in from arts, we are lost in the content. Therefore, it is not our fault that we have our picnics in the lecture (today we had Burger King!), doodle impressionistic art on our paper, and generally zone out during the lecture.
Thirdly, do you realise something in common with all the science LTs? IT'S ALL GLOOMY!! It's so depressing.
Lastly, and most importantly, WHAT HAS THE CONTENT GOT TO DO WITH ME?!?!?!?!!? I really feel like Webster (in Band of Brothers) when he drives past a whole lot of surrendering Germans in Germany and has this to shout, "Hey, you! That's right, you stupid Kraut bastards! That's right! Say hello to Ford, and General f**kin' Motors! You stupid fascist pigs! Look at you! You have horses! What were you thinking? Dragging our asses half way around the world, interrupting our lives... For what, you ignorant, servile scum! What the f**k are we doing here?"
In conclusion, for anyone reading this, and have not done their GEMS or Breadths, please find some other faculty to bitch about, for this one is taken.
Perhaps one day someone will quote me on this....or not (in any case, it's '(Shane Koh, 2010)'). No, I do not mean it in the same way Nietzsche meant it in his declaration of 'God is dead'. For me, it's plain and simple.
I need to bitch.
Firstly, the journey to science is arduous. I have to squeeze with the 4pm crowd on either A1 or B, and this usually involves people of my 'favourite' kind. Upon reaching science, and on the way to LT32, I am confronted by Helm's Deep. At this point, I think it is imperative to say that I SHIT YOU NOT. That being established, it is as if LT32 is build on a fort, or an ancient Greek Acropolis. I feel like an orc trying to overcome the walls of the Deep in an attempt to literally rip Legolas' hair off on the other side. It really makes Arts feel like the Shire, like home.
Secondly, perhaps to give the lecturer (whom I still have no idea what his name is... and probably never will) the benefit of the doubt, the clock in the LT is fast. Although you might be thinking that that's good, because he releases us 'early', it actually isn't, because he starts before the actual 4pm, and by the time we get in from arts, we are lost in the content. Therefore, it is not our fault that we have our picnics in the lecture (today we had Burger King!), doodle impressionistic art on our paper, and generally zone out during the lecture.
Thirdly, do you realise something in common with all the science LTs? IT'S ALL GLOOMY!! It's so depressing.
Lastly, and most importantly, WHAT HAS THE CONTENT GOT TO DO WITH ME?!?!?!?!!? I really feel like Webster (in Band of Brothers) when he drives past a whole lot of surrendering Germans in Germany and has this to shout, "Hey, you! That's right, you stupid Kraut bastards! That's right! Say hello to Ford, and General f**kin' Motors! You stupid fascist pigs! Look at you! You have horses! What were you thinking? Dragging our asses half way around the world, interrupting our lives... For what, you ignorant, servile scum! What the f**k are we doing here?"
In conclusion, for anyone reading this, and have not done their GEMS or Breadths, please find some other faculty to bitch about, for this one is taken.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
You shook me all night long
"It is splendid to see you engaging earnestly in debate, taking issue with suspected malice or bias (surely, we are all biased to some extent?) and not being afraid to say what you think. Long may it continue!
Keep up the spirit of defiance and scholarly endeavour! I am excited by what I see already this term.
Best wishes,
The Old Guy"
It's hard not to love him.
Keep up the spirit of defiance and scholarly endeavour! I am excited by what I see already this term.
Best wishes,
The Old Guy"
It's hard not to love him.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Hot Blooded
Seriously, everyone should go and take a look at this, and perhaps you may understand how I feel.
PRC family refused to alight from bus; SBS paid for a cab to send them home
We're just a million little gods causin' rain storms turnin' every good thing to rust.
PRC family refused to alight from bus; SBS paid for a cab to send them home
We're just a million little gods causin' rain storms turnin' every good thing to rust.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
I haven't really regretted anything in my NUS life so far, but I would probably regret it if I left the school without doing Europe of the Dictators and Singapore Military History. Just like how the 'doctor' (who was probably God manifested) pressed me to choose passion over practicality just before I entered NUS, so now again did Prof Murfett (I hope he reads this) remind me of the choices I had to make, and the reasons for making them.
In any case, today's lecture was quite interesting. He talked about the German surrender of The Great War, and how the German public and even the military were completely taken by surprise when Germany surrendered because no foreign army had stepped into German soil. The legacy? Complete defeat of another became of paramount importance in every subsequent war to drive the point of complete defeat home to the people so that Hitler cannot happen again.
Augustine, oh Augustine. Is it worth all that war just to win? If it is, can you take me back to where it begins?
In any case, today's lecture was quite interesting. He talked about the German surrender of The Great War, and how the German public and even the military were completely taken by surprise when Germany surrendered because no foreign army had stepped into German soil. The legacy? Complete defeat of another became of paramount importance in every subsequent war to drive the point of complete defeat home to the people so that Hitler cannot happen again.
Augustine, oh Augustine. Is it worth all that war just to win? If it is, can you take me back to where it begins?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I had forgotten how much I love lit. Today reminded me of yesterday.
Think I've come to realise that I am a dying breed of student. For one, I'm still a pen and paper boy. I love, and prefer to write essays, the more the better within a given period. I guess it's the thrill of not knowing whether you'll finish the paper as you're penning your thoughts down. Then there's always the numbness of my thumb to look forward to afterwards, my battle wound, if you would allow me.
Today during lit lecture, the prof said that nowadays, lit doesn't really require quoting and all that, and I realise I still place quite a bit of emphasis on that, similar to history, where I still feel that the dates and events are as important as the argument. It's sort of like an arsenal that you have in your head which amounts to some semblance of concrete fact, instead of plunging full body into the world of argument and subjectivity. Perhaps, it's an anchor of sorts. That's why sometimes I get really frustrated when I can't remember a certain date or venue or event, or get really frustrated at being frustrated on why I care so much.
Think I've come to realise that I am a dying breed of student. For one, I'm still a pen and paper boy. I love, and prefer to write essays, the more the better within a given period. I guess it's the thrill of not knowing whether you'll finish the paper as you're penning your thoughts down. Then there's always the numbness of my thumb to look forward to afterwards, my battle wound, if you would allow me.
Today during lit lecture, the prof said that nowadays, lit doesn't really require quoting and all that, and I realise I still place quite a bit of emphasis on that, similar to history, where I still feel that the dates and events are as important as the argument. It's sort of like an arsenal that you have in your head which amounts to some semblance of concrete fact, instead of plunging full body into the world of argument and subjectivity. Perhaps, it's an anchor of sorts. That's why sometimes I get really frustrated when I can't remember a certain date or venue or event, or get really frustrated at being frustrated on why I care so much.