Think this was the greatest haul of movies I have ever rented from Videoezy. Each picture was thoroughly enjoyable to watch, and they inspired in me a great number of emotions and thoughts, which have been absent for quite some time now.

Particularly in Elizabeth, my passion for the age of sail, and in particular, naval battles in the age of sail, was rekindled. I remember sailing as a midshipman in Nelson's
Victory some years back now. I could taste the sea salt, I could smell the saddled rum, I could feel the waves unleash their torrents upon me; and oh i reveled, oh how I reveled at the expanse of the unending horizon. Some days, the wind grew unkind to us, and we were sitting as a painted ship, upon a painted ocean. And when mother nature was merciful, we could see shapes in the horizon, then a thick growth of sails that formed a hostile colour. I was there when the men of
Victory raised the colours "England expects every man will do his duty", as we strode gloriously into death.
A silence.
A muffled sound of cannons and broadsides. A rage of cannonades pierces wood and flesh. My war has begun. My war is now. My war is the same. My war is different. Call forth the Spanish Armadas, call forth the combined fleets of the French and Spanish. Our time is now. The cannot survive on our harsh English waters. Lads, I will see you sail to victory, or to Heaven.
And those were my last words.
I told Tiak Hui today that I was born in the wrong era. I think it is true. Nothing after 1945 interests me. I grow cold to politics and diplomacy. Red tape fades into a monochrome. Passion is a stale meat. We are all food for worms, waiting to die.
As for Juno and 2 Days in Paris, I loved them because they gave me a goofy kind of love story, where we treat all seriousness with triviality, and triviality as sport. Both have happy endings after something major crops up. I enjoyed the scenes and dialogue in 2 Days, for obvious reasons (It's French! and yeah I just came back from Paris). The songs in Juno were really bare and naked, and these are the kind of songs that make you believe that maybe true love does exists, of course, after countless nights of paranoia, doubts, emo, the occasional 'i want to kill myself if she doesn't like me' and 'maybe i should just be gay' moments.
I guess after watching these 2 movies, it got me thinking about love, and in particular, relationships. It's a door I have shut out since some years back now, and it's hard to open it again. I think honestly, I'm not mature enough yet. My friends who know me can attest to that. I was having this conversation with Amanda the other day:
Amanda: So, any updates?
Shane: Hello! I told you I'm not into girls anymore.
A: so what, are you into guys now?
S: Erm no. I'm into friends now.
A: ??!?!
S: Yep, Friends. And friends have no gender.
A thought always goes through my mind when the word relationship is mentioned - have I already met my future wife? (don't lie I bet this thought swims through your heads as well :p) Following that thought is a whole mess of things that will not interest anyone except for people on the death row, and it ends with the conclusion, I shall trust in God to provide me with all things that go according to His plan for me.
Yay, at least this post ended on a happy note. (: